Texas Scores Secure Elections Win — Didn’t Dems Claim This Never Happens?

Dems pitch a fit every time we so much as mention an intention of cleaning up the voter rolls and requiring anyone casting a vote to provide proof of eligibility.

These are the same people who wouldn’t let you attend a relative’s wedding or board an airplane without proof of having the Fauci-ouchie. It’s not about protecting the rights of the citizen, they don’t give a damn about that. It’s about something… else.

And for all the promise that we would never see non-citizens added to the voter rolls, Texas went looking and found a LONG list of people on the voting rolls that had no business being there. For some, they will be pressing charges.

In case part of the text in that tweet gets cut off, he said:

Texas has removed over 1.1 million ineligible voters from our rolls.

This includes more than 6,500 noncitizens. Almost 2,000 have cast votes.

They’re being referred to Attorney General @KenPaxtonTX for prosecution.

Texas won’t tolerate illegal voting.

To recap:

More than 1 million people were on the Texas voter rolls when they ought not have been. Several thousand non-citizens were to receive ballots, and several thousand have already cast votes.

We were assured that such things never happen. Democrats in Congress OPPOSED adding specific language making it illegal for non-citizens to vote.

Here’s the complicting factor. With bloated electoral rolls like that, there’s LOADS of wiggle room to stuff ballot boxes with inauthentic ballots because there will be no obvious red flag showing objective indication that ‘too many people’ had voted.

THIS is the real reason bad actors want bloated voting rolls and fight like HELL not to remove them. A box of ballots in someones trunk could swing a primary — or worse, an election. And it doesn’t take that many to make a difference if you know the electoral dynamics of a region.

Many states don’t even take prosecution that seriously… giving a low-risk high-reward incentive structure.

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By Kate Stephenson
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