Oversight Committee Picked Biden’s Big Night To Unveil The Record Of His Family’s Crimes

We’ve already seen the tricks Dems will play to keep an impeachment inquiry from proceeding. But a report like this gets the information into the public record where the networks cannot ‘gatekeep’ it.

It sure took them long enough, but the House GOP have finally put a report together, 77 days from the Election Day. This enumerates not only the malfeasance of Joe Biden and his family during his many years as an elected official… but it lists a number of ways his family has personally benefited from his access to political power during his time as President.

From the Committee’s tweet:


Today, we are releasing our report on the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, finding he committed impeachable offenses.

The evidence produced by our impeachment inquiry is the strongest case for impeachment of a sitting president the House of Representatives has ever investigated.

Americans now know Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ the Bidens sold around the world to enrich the Biden family, and Joe Biden knew of, benefitted from, and participated in his family’s influence peddling schemes.

Our report details evidence to establish President Biden abused his office and violated his oaths of office as Vice President by engaging in a conspiracy to peddle influence to enrich his family. Then as President, Joe Biden and the Biden-Harris Administration obstructed the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry and the criminal investigation of President Biden’s son.

In accordance with this obligation, and pursuant to direction from the House, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Ways and Means have been conducting an inquiry to assess whether sufficient evidence exists that President Joseph R. Biden Jr. engaged in impeachable conduct.3 As described in this report, the Committees have accumulated evidence demonstrating that President Biden has engaged in impeachable conduct. The Committees have prepared this report to inform the House on the evidence gathered to date.

The report spans nearly 300 pages.

The usual complaint of the Democrats is that there is no evidence of ‘high crimes and misdimeanors’. A more careful reading of the impeachment clause will also notice direct reference to two specific crimes for which impeachment applies treason and bribery.

One of the examples for which evidence has been supplied would DEFINITELY fall under the category of ‘Bribery’. Obstruction of Justice is another serious crime which, in the context of concealing other wrongdoing by the President or his associated, might easily fall under the ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ category.

With that in mind, here is a taste of the sorts of complaints alleged (with their associated evidence) against Joe Biden. From the opening paragraphs of the report:

Millions received from foreign oligarchs… with the intimation that Joe’s position could be leveraged for political advantage.

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… Joe Biden knowingly participated in this conspiracy…
… conceal conspiracy though complicated financial transactions… and to hide Joe’s involvement…
…Hunter leveraged father’s postion for business dealings including invoking daddy’s name with foreign businesses…

President Biden’s participation in this conspiracy to enrich his family constitutes impeachable conduct. By monetizing the Vice Presidency for his family’s benefit, he abused his office of public trust, placing the welfare of his family ahead of the welfare of the United States. He also put foreign interests ahead of the interests of the American people. Indeed, precedent set by House Democrats in 2019 in their impeachment of President Donald J. Trump establishes that “abuse of office,” defined as the exercise of “official power to obtain an improper personal benefit, while ignoring or injuring the national interest,” is an impeachable offense.

…mishandling classified documents (an act for which he tried very hard to criminalize his opponent) …

Special Counsel Robert Hur detailed how President Biden willfully retained classified material, shared it with a ghostwriter who was unauthorized to receive classified information, and utilized the classified information to draft a memoir for which he received an $8 million advance.11 The Special Counsel’s report, as well as the Committees’ inquiry, disclosed how President Biden caused White House employees to conceal his conduct and mislead the American people about his actions.

That looks a lot like obstruction of justice, doesn’t it?

Well so does this next part:

Finally, the Committees have obtained significant evidence that corroborates many of the allegations made by the IRS whistleblowers with respect to the Justice Department’s deviations from standard procedures to benefit Hunter Biden. The Justice Department allowed the statute of limitations to run on two serious charges facing Hunter Biden. The Justice Department prevented line attorneys from conducting key interviews and pursuing important lines of inquiry. The Justice Department tipped off Hunter Biden’s attorneys about nonpublic investigative actions and implemented unnecessary hurdles and approvals for prosecutors to charge Hunter Biden. The special treatment for Hunter Biden, which only ceased at the onset of congressional attention on the Department’s investigation, may be a basis for impeachment, as the distortion of an official investigation was a basis in the prospective impeachment of President Nixon in 1974.13 Additionally, the House need not show that the President directly ordered his subordinates to obstruct an investigation; in certain circumstances the President may be impeached for the actions of subordinate officials.

The totality of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the Committees is egregious. President Joe Biden conspired to commit influence peddling and grift. In doing so, he abused his office and, by repeatedly lying about his abuse of office, has defrauded the United States to enrich his family. Not one of these transactions would have occurred, but for Joe Biden’s official position in the United States government. This pattern of conduct ensured his family—who provided no legitimate services—lived a lavish lifestyle. The evidence uncovered in the Committees’ impeachment inquiry reflects a family selling the “Biden brand” around the world with President Biden—the “big guy”—swooping in to seal the deal on speaker phones or in private dinners. It shows a concerted effort to conceal President Biden’s involvement in the family’s influence peddling scheme. One witness explained that when it comes to mentioning Vice President Joe Biden’s involvement, “Say it, forget it. Write it, regret it.”16

As mentioned, there are nearly 300 pages of ‘receipts’ brought to corroborate any claims they make. The Raskins and Shifts can rant and rave all they want about how they disagree. But, unlike the allegations they tried to fling against Trump — with zero freedom to call witnesses in his own defense, or even access all of the testimony given against him in a SCIF — the case against Joe Biden lists chapter and verse, names and dates, dollar amounts and original source bank records and eyewitness corraboration from former business partners, some of whom have already served time for similar crimes.

Funny how the Great Prosecutor Kamala never had a bad word to say about Joe Biden’s various misdeeds. You might almost believe she was complicit in concealing them… along with God alone knows how many other dirty secrets they would rather the taxpayer never find out about, policy and otherwise.

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By Kate Stephenson
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