House GOP Subpoenas Tampon Tim Over Minnesota Fraudsters Stealing From Hungry Kids

At issue is a fraud scheme that bilked a quarter-billion dollars out of the Minnesota lunch program… and Tim Walz’s failure to do much about it.

Tim might think that he can skate consequence-free from that scandal that happened under his watch now that he’s Kamala’s creepy hand-waving emotional support animal, but the House GOP has other ideas. They’re digging into his personal role as governor in this quarter-billion dollar scandal… and what responsibility he bears for the wasted tax dollars.

Here is a closer look at the body of the letter that was sent, apart from the cover letter, footnotes and request for responsive documents:

A little more background on the story:

After a grand jury charged Ayan Abukar a year ago in a federal fraud case tied to Feeding Our Future, she remained involved in her nonprofit, even pressuring an employee to alter past financial transactions “to help with my case,” the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office says.

The office filed an order in Hennepin County District Court on Friday stipulating that Abukar’s nonprofit, Action for East African People, sever ties with her and one of her daughters, who had been the nonprofit’s treasurer and secretary.

Abukar, 42, of Bloomington, founded the nonprofit in 2017 to help East African women and children; it operates Action Care Community Clinic, a dental clinic in Bloomington that serves low-income patients.

In the Feeding Our Future fraud case, a grand jury charged Abukar last March with defrauding the government in an after-school food program for low-income children. Prosecutors allege she submitted fraudulent invoices and fake attendance rosters, claiming to serve more than 3 million meals to children in just over a year. — Star Tribune

A grand jury found enough evidence to lay charges. But Walz, who personally appeared in a photo with at least one of the defendants somehow claimed ‘there wasn’t malfeasance’ in the misappropriation of a quarter-billion dollars of money that was supposed to be spent on feeding hungry children?

Who else did he turn a blind eye to? And was he getting anything in return — including political favors?

Obama picked a corrupt running mate. Biden picked a communist. And Kamala…? We’re just starting to unpack his baggage. But there’s already quite a lot of it.

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The Effeminization Of The American Male by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male

By Kate Stephenson
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