Gaza Protesters at DNC: ‘Reproductive justice means Palestinian liberation’

They’re weighing in on Kamala’s favorite cause, but it makes about much sense as the Gays for Gaza clowns.

Here are some of the pro-Palestine protesters telling us about the deep connection between their anti-Israel cause and… abortion???

Yep. They’re desperate to connect those dots.

Reproductive justice means Palestinian liberation? Seriously?

Can we get a fact-check on that claim?

How about a formal study from the National Library of Medicine?

Here are a few quotes from that study. Bold text is added for emphasis. Note: this study was written in 2019, before both the pandemic and the current conflict.

The summary:

Abortion remains a highly debated topic in women’s health in the Middle East and specifically in the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT), where it is illegal in most cases. Abortion access is challenging and complex due to laws, hospital policies, and the fragmented nature of the OPT and its health care system. This paper explores several barriers to accessing safe abortion care in the OPT, many of which are unique to living under occupation and at the interface of multiple legal systems. Legal restrictions on the provision of abortion services and the negative impact of the occupation on freedom of travel create a complex landscape in which Palestinian women are forced to navigate multiple legal and medical systems when seeking abortion services.

Limited abortion access in Gaza

When asked about the law, women were unequivocal in their answers. As one lawyer from Gaza explained in an interview, “Abortion is illegal in all cases, even in extramarital pregnancy. It is only allowed for health reasons for the mother or for fetal anomalies. The law doesn’t allow for anything else, even for unmarried women or rape. They don’t do it.” Thus, difficulty in access is often contingent on the reason a woman is seeking an abortion. When asked whether abortion was easy to access and whether it was legal, one woman explained:

I know that no doctor will allow me to abort without a reason—it’s not easily found here with us, unless it’s in a private way or through someone important you know. But still it’s not common. … Everything is in secret. If it’s a medical issue for the woman, then it’s fine. But not for other reasons.

Where are Palestinians going to get an abortion?

Well, this conversation is gonna start getting really awkward for the shout-your-abortion-hate-Israel crowd.

Because abortion is illegal and highly restricted in the OPT, Palestinian women seeking an abortion are forced to turn to Israeli hospitals, to expensive private Palestinian clinics, or to self-induced termination. One Palestinian hospital staff member who was interviewed as a part of our study said, “We know there are doctors who do it in their private clinics, even if they work [in the hospital]. I work in the hospital so maybe that’s why I know but there are many who don’t know I suspect. The clinics are not publicized for their abortions.” Many women interviewees said that abortion could be obtained in secret through private physicians in Jerusalem and the West Bank, though this would cost a significant amount of money.

If abortion are ‘human rights’, then Gaza is the one standing in the way of human rights while Israel makes abortions available much more readily.

On the other hand, if you’re rabidly pro-Gaza and like their policies, you will think it’s good that they only offer abortion in the rarest of cases when a woman’s life is in danger or if the baby has serious deformities.

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By Kate Stephenson
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